Use the links here to find information about using SPSS in your Math 150 course.
This page is organized according to the number and type of variables you wish to analyze.
If you would like to see the topics organized alphabetically instead, click here. If you would like to see the topics organized by textbook chapter, click here. (This assumes the use of Intro Stats by DeVeaux, Velleman, and Bock, 4th ed.)
Working with data:
One categorical variable:
Descriptive Statistics:
Inferential Statistics:
Two categories:
More than two categories:
Two categorical variables:
Descriptive Statistics:
Inferential Statistics:
Two categories:
More than two categories:
One quantitative variable:
Descriptive Statistics:
Inferential Statistics:
Two quantitative variables:
Descriptive Statistics:
Inferential Statistics:
For two paired variables:
One categorical and one quantitative variable:
Descriptive Statistics:
Inferential Statistics:
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